When your item(s) have left the warehouse, we'll send you a Shipment Notification email that includes your carrier, estimated delivery date and, if available, a carrier tracking number.
You can also view shipping information in online Order Status (opens in new window). Once you sign in with your Apple Account and password, select Edit Orders On the Your Orders page, select Track Shipment and the window will display the item's estimated delivery date, tracking number and shipping address. If you ordered multiple items, you may have separate tracking information for each item.
To ensure safe delivery, most shipments require a signature on delivery. Refer to the Delivery & Pickup help page if you are unavailable to provide a signature.
Pickup Items
Once your item is available at the Apple Store, we'll send a Pickup Notification email with the Apple Store location. You can also view the Apple Store location and, if applicable, the pickup contact in online Order Status (opens in new window).
Text Notifications
In addition to email notifications, you can request updates by text message in checkout.
What to Expect
Once your order has left the warehouse or is available for pickup, we'll send you a text message. The text message will include your order number and a link to the tracking or pickup store information. We can even send you texts on the day of delivery or after your item has been delivered, depending on your delivery method and courier. Texts are sent between 6:00 am and 10:00 pm in your time zone.
How to change text message preferences
You can edit your mobile phone number at any time by signing into your account and editing the shipment notification preferences for your order. Refer to the Delivery & Pickup help page for more details.