Apple is committed to helping developers turn their brightest ideas into apps that change the world. That’s why the App Store helps you from start to finish — to build, test, market, and distribute your products and grow your business. Our marketplace is secure, trusted, and accessible — connecting you to over 1.5 billion devices in 175 regions. The App Store and you. Together every step of the way.
Five platforms. Infinite possibilities.
Over a decade of trust and success.
Over a decade of trust and success.
In 12 years, the App Store has grown from 500 apps to 1.8 million — all reviewed and held to our high standards for privacy, security, and content. All along the way, we’ve provided developers with the cutting‑edge tools and end‑to‑end support they need. So they can keep making the apps that change how people work, play, meet, learn, travel, and live their lives.
iOS iPadOS
A rich experience for each platform.
A rich experience for each platform.
Create amazing apps for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS with our extensive suite of free tools and frameworks. You also get access to each platform’s unique features — like Apple Pencil for iPadOS and cameras, sensors, and processing that enable AR experiences — so you can seamlessly integrate your app with the optimal user experience for each device. And with industry-leading security, privacy protections, and technologies built in, you’re free to focus on your ideas.
Curated collections. Created by real people.
Curated collections. Created by real people.
Our worldwide team of editors tailors the App Store to the various devices people use to shop for apps. So your app gets in front of the right users, in the right places, at the right times.
If you’re a member of the Apple Developer Program and would like to submit your app to be considered as a feature on the App Store, visit
Automatic access to new technologies and features.
Automatic access to new technologies and features.
When Apple releases new technologies and functionality, your apps get access to those features automatically — for example, discoverability in Spotlight Search, integration with Screen Time, and new user privacy protections for sensitive features like camera and location access.
90% of iPhone devices issued in the last four years run iOS 14 or newer, so more app users can enjoy the latest technologies.
We make it easy to reach over 1.5 billion Apple devices.
We make it easy to reach over 1.5 billion Apple devices.
The App Store lets you build an app once and distribute it to 175 stores around the world in over 40 languages. You get automatic access to a user base that confidently purchases content through the safe, seamless buying experience of the App Store.
Get a jump-start on development.
Over 250,000 APIs for virtually any hardware or software task imaginable.
Over 250,000 APIs for virtually any hardware or software task imaginable.
Our dedicated software development kits (SDKs) and developer services feature over 250,000 APIs, so you can do just about anything with software or hardware. Tools like HealthKit give engineers secure access to health data, HomeKit allows the remote management of devices around the home, and CloudKit unlocks data storage synced across devices.
Accessibility is built into our frameworks.
Accessibility is built into our frameworks.
Easily build adaptive interfaces and make your apps accessible to everyone. Our standard UIKit and SwiftUI controls make it simple for you to connect your app to accessibility features like VoiceOver, Switch Control, and AssistiveTouch.
Harness the world’s largest platform for AR.
Harness the world’s largest platform for AR.
Apple offers the world’s largest platform for augmented reality with a range of iPhone and iPad devices that support AR technologies — powerful and accurate cameras, precise sensors, 3D graphics, and technologies like real‑time shading to make scenes come alive. These technologies are available to developers, including the ARKit framework.
Build more intelligent experiences with machine learning.
Build more intelligent experiences with machine learning.
Developers can create advanced machine learning applications with free tools optimized for Apple devices. Use Core ML frameworks and Create ML tools to easily train new data sets directly on your computer. Core ML works with the Neural Engine hardware in most Apple devices — including future Mac computers with Apple silicon — to significantly accelerate common machine learning tasks.
We help you learn, build, troubleshoot, and launch.
Tools for every stage of development.
Tools for every stage of development.
Our easy‑to‑use tools give you what you need to create high‑quality apps for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS. So you can get your apps into the hands of millions of users around the world, and you’ll have the right tools to grow your user base and manage your business.
There are over 34M registered Apple Developers from 227 regions.
Xcode Cloud. Build. Test. Deliver. Together.
Xcode Cloud. Build. Test. Deliver. Together.
Xcode Cloud unifies cloud-based developer tools, so Apple Developers can build apps together, run automated tests in parallel, deliver apps to testers, and manage user feedback. Whether you and your team are across a desk or across the world, now working together is even easier.
Get your app ready to launch across Apple devices with TestFlight. Now on Mac.
Get your app ready to launch across Apple devices with TestFlight. Now on Mac.
Use TestFlight to manage your builds and get feedback, screenshots, and crash details from your testers.
Test how elements of your app product page perform.
Test how elements of your app product page perform.
Find out exactly what your audience thinks of your app product page. Test different app icons, videos, and screenshots to see what your audience likes best.
Customize your app product page for different audiences.
Customize your app product page for different audiences.
Create up to 35 custom product pages to showcase different content and features to different users. You can also drive traffic to each custom app product page with a unique URL.
Learn from us. And from each other.
Learn from us. And from each other.
Apple holds conferences and workshops attended by tens of thousands of developers each year, helping them see their ideas from concept through distribution.
From the largest platform for augmented reality to advanced machine learning to whatever comes next. Developers use the power of our world‑class technologies to create groundbreaking apps.
We provide over 170K technical documents and sample code to help you build your apps.
We review over 90% of apps within 24 hours.
Consulting, diagnosing, resolving. We’re here for you.
Consulting, diagnosing, resolving. We’re here for you.
Developers can work directly with Apple as they create their products — whether consulting with an Apple engineer to troubleshoot a bug, working with App Review to diagnose issues that might affect the user experience, or calling AppleCare to resolve a banking issue. With ever‑improving tools, shorter service times, more transparent policies, and opportunities for one‑on‑one guidance, we help developers from start to ship.
It’s more than a build. It’s a business.
Choose a business model that works for you.
Choose a business model that works for you.
Apple offers eight business models to choose from: free, free with advertising, free with physical goods and services, free with in‑app purchases, free with subscription, paid, reader, and cross platform. Apple only collects a commission if you sell a digital good or service through your app.
Over 650M people visit the App Store each week.
Apple has paid out over US$320B to developers selling digital goods and services since 2008.
With the App Store Small Business Program you can keep more. So you can do more.
With the App Store Small Business Program you can keep more. So you can do more.
The App Store Small Business Program offers developers who have made under 1 million USD in proceeds a reduced commission rate. So small businesses get an extra 15% on all paid apps and in‑app purchases.
Verified payments, property protection, and help with taxes.
Verified payments, property protection, and help with taxes.
Apple verifies user accounts to check that your users are real, helps to see that you get paid, and ensures that your intellectual property is protected. We also assist with tax obligations in over 60 regions and support any dispute process to help you protect your trademarks and copyrights.
85% of apps are free, and developers pay nothing to Apple.
Over 50% of downloads come from outside a developer’s home region.
Take your app global with Apple machinery.
Take your app global with Apple machinery.
We work with you to distribute your apps and run a global business with the App Store. This includes flexible business models, machinery that scales app distribution worldwide, and tools to manage apps.
Each month, we analyze billions of anonymized data points that give developers valuable business insights.
Since 2020, over 250M user ratings and reviews were removed for not meeting moderation standards.
We can even help with marketing — both on and off the App Store.
We can even help with marketing — both on and off the App Store.
The App Store has a global marketing team whose sole purpose is to drive discovery and engagement. Campaigns and programs are created to assist, inform, and inspire our users while also helping our developers drive downloads and redownloads of their apps and games.
Help users discover and rediscover your app with in‑app events.
Help users discover and rediscover your app with in‑app events.
Showcase timely events in your app by promoting them on the App Store and making them discoverable to millions of App Store visitors.
We provided over 70B impressions in 2020, including apps promoted through email, advertising, and social media.
We featured over 130K apps on the App Store and across Apple channels.
The app economy is big business. And getting even bigger.
The iOS app economy has driven growth and employment.
A study found that in 2020 the App Store facilitated over US$643B in commerce globally.1